For all your orders
Send us your instructions to:
Transfer for less than 10 Mb
Send us your files & instructions to:
We have a restriction of 20 Mo file size on this address but it is possible your outgoing server restrain the capacity at less than 10Mo.
Transfer for more than 10 Mo
For all your heavy files you can use our old server.You have to click on the link below and follow the instructions: If it is not already done, please register online.You will receive a confirmation email you will have to confirm in order to send your files immediately.If you have multiple files to send, please use our online order system or compress your folder before to send it.
FTP transfer
For our client already having an FTP account, you can access by clicking the following link:
You will have to fill the form with your login and password.
If you do not have an account, please join us in order to have one !
You will need an FTP utility (Filezila, Transmit or CyberDuck to name but a few).